Women may be able to grow own sperm

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Maverick, Apr 14, 2007.


Women may be able to grow own sperm

Poll closed Sep 18, 2009.
  1. I support this type of reseach for the good of human kind

  2. I don't support this type of reseach, it is un-ethical

  3. I can imagine a world where women can get off-spring by there own genetic material

  4. I can not imagine a world where women can get off-spring by there own genetic material

  5. I dunno

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    ... looks like this experiment was already mentioned in the bible :D
  2. i would say the same to you ;) -lol
  3. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ Yeah probably not eh?

    @Maverick: HOW CAN YOU COMPARE GOD WITH HUMAN INCOMPENENCE? He is oh-so-almighty that no modern technology will be able to duplicate what he has so kindly done according to the Bible.

    "Science is a false idol." DIE.
  4. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    woohoo, this is soon turning into religion debate~ hehehe
    wat if u don't beleive in god, then wat happens ><
  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Science has ALWAYS been a religion debate. Science vs. Religion is like Evolution vs. Creationism (not Intelligent Design BTW). I am a person of Science, religion is too mythical for me. The bible is a fantastical read, but nothing beyond that.

    And no, I think it's a brillant idea to explore, perhaps one day there will be gender equality and they can grow eggs out of men :p
  6. benjwang

    benjwang Well-Known Member

    i saw this on jay, its hilarious!
    power to the women =)

    i aint worried, totally non threatening to me. everyone wants my good genes so my sperm is HOT!
  7. Boss Lady

    Boss Lady Well-Known Member

    Breakthrough ! great idea! Finally women can overcome this problem and reproduce w/o having a man... men should appreciate women more.
  8. Jun

    Jun Well-Known Member

    there are things that should just remain the way it is =P
  9. kenl8888

    kenl8888 Member

    Just clone herself.. you don't need sperm that way... By the way.. was Adam a clone?? and maybe the first sperm was grown from his ribs to make Eve..