IM NOT SEXIST!!! but majority of girls dont want to see horror violence. If they do then their weird!
@Vin: You picked the fight And no, I am the most avid horror/zombie film fan in any circle of friends I know... I guess I AM weird, but how can you miss out on those "....Brain" moany zombies? They are funny and creepy and cool! But no, nothing against you, just being my lovely argumentative (and egocentric) self
haha thats why i love going against you hiake lol cos i know i will be guaranteed a good argument with you hahaha but your still weird -__-
Uuuuhh, how many females do you actually know? I love shooting zombies up too! I've Resident Evil 2 for example and I love Tekken and Mortal Combat! The more violency and blood 'n guts, the better! -blush2
I have a feeling that PA IS going against Vin now... more and more girls coming to disprove your vision/preception of a girl =_=b
OMG another wierdo!! i know loads and most of them dont like games like Resident Evil but the love rpgs like final fantasy
Talking about zombies ... House of the Dead series were also fun to play. SHOOT THEM ALL!!! DEAD or DEAD
I like RPG AND ARPG (like Zelda or Resident Evil) in fact. but not HUGE on FF just because the graphics are too girly and... well, smooth. (But I am a huge fan of FF Tactics in secret) I like a bit of raggedness and blood + guts? Bonus. @Mav: House of Dead? What console is that on?? Sounds like the best game ever
@hiake: thats why your weird -____- but still at least when it comes to entertaining male guests you can join them in gruesome bloody shooting games
Haha, male guests may join me in my gruesome bloody shooting games parties! Yeah, I love to beat my cousins and their friends and I'm sure there's at least one guy who hates me because I'm always better than him in a lots of games. (I love to type my name in the TopScore part if a game offers this option) @Maverick: never heard of House of Dead but I have to admit I haven't followed the latest titles for a while now.
omg we got so many weirdo girls in pa. but what da hay. let me just tell you now i dont take losing too easily lol
Hang on... House of Dead, is that the arcade game with the gun and sensor??? I totally ripped that game back then... but never played it on console though...