did some hydrostatic weighing sitting at 9.1% bf wohhoooo now to break that threshold then my goal is good hahah.
i gotta get back to the gym after looking at nas man. No homo. But after leaving the military, nothing motivates me to go to the gym again
Just um casually doing some in the office exercises: dips with my chair, then some reverse chair crunches and stretches utilise whatever i got around me to do a bit before i can hit the gym on the weekend.....
Went to the gym~ training my arms + stomach Lots of bench dip rep 15x 5reps of dips 15x 5reps of 'long' dips (dunno how to describe it, when the legs are fully extended out) Tricep machine~ 15x 3 reps of 50kg 15x 2reps of 60kg Another tricep machine ~ but this one I pull the handle thing down~ Did about 15x 4 reps of that The pull up bar~ I was just hanging on it for like 30secs at a time Am trying my best to work my way up to a doing a full pull up~ my arms are 'stuck' at 90degrees after tensing to pull up~ Did 10 x 3 leg raises with the bar and then 10 x 3 of reverse crunches with it..... ~~~~ Stomach wise~ 1) 30 x 3 sit ups 2) 15 x 3 leg raises 3) 15x 3 crunches Did about 30secs of planking Then I died ~ also did my leg stretches, pelvic thrusts and the crab/bridge to finish off LOL But then I saw this challenge so I'm Guna give my arms some rest then try it~ there are no females on it yet but I'll give it a try~ I probably won't beat a guys record but it seems like fun~ will let you guys know how it turns out.... Sorry for the extremely long and rare exercise post.
I Did one of the 7 minute work out during my break at work today haha ~ waited till everyone was out the office then I shut the office hatch window and got on with it