Did my first muscle up ever finally only one though. Busted one of my callus the other day tryin it filled wit blood so kinda painful there but fuk finally i can say I did a muscle up. Did some HIIT training on treadmill for 3 miles and some pylometrics on speed ladder.
was workin dead lifts a couple days ago and now my back's so damn sore (DOMS) that i have trouble sittin up and down.. can't wait to un-sore myself so i could work on squats/glutes but for the next couple days imma hafta stick to doing cardio. These Harbinger gloves with wrist wraps are pretty good
4 muscle ups not straight but still finally learned the technique and have the ability to pull it off wohooo and ran 7 miles in 57:31 only gonna do it like once a week though haven't ran this much in like 3 weeks. Don't want to lose ability completely.
[video=youtube;njKXkuhY7_0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njKXkuhY7_0[/video] been doing these for a while my form not straight as his but his level cray (more vertical your body the harder it is) hardest core exercise i have done no doubt. currently training for these: [video=youtube;ysqkaCxv2bI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysqkaCxv2bI[/video] really close to hitting that one [video=youtube;caGz06J9gP8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caGz06J9gP8[/video] got to the tucked position cant extend legs out and keep balance and finally can do 3-5 muscle ups straight :trollface2:
used chalk for the first time recently. was a world of difference when doing deadlift. was able to move more weight before i had to switch to a mix grip
damn i need some chalk my hands build up soo much calluses from bar exercises like muscle ups etc the rotation is killing my hands.
I love soccer. So running comes naturally with it. Then there's this exercise craze that's all the place here...called zumba. [video]http://youtu.be/w8HIaGyG7hM[/video]
[video=youtube;w0IgABHlQ8Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&v=w0IgABHlQ8Q&NR=1[/video] finally after years of being scared but this actually wayyy easier than wat ive been doing
benched 245 for the first time ever at 157 pounds! ran 7 miles finally did muay thai pushups! [video=youtube;tvsunVcE1Q4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvsunVcE1Q4[/video]
[video=youtube;xCivCk6H_Ws]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCivCk6H_Ws[/video] back lever! wasnt that straight i dont think so but wohhooo another new move!
My old routine workout was body group warm up is 20-25mins treadmill 2miles mon - chest/triceps tues - leg / shoulder wed - Rest thur - Back/biceps Friday - Rest Sat - chest/triceps Sun - leg / shoulder My new routine is different. More hardcore, more intense, actually i like this routine a lot better. warm up is 20-25mins treadmill 2miles* Mon - Upper body - basically do every on top part Tues - Leg - everything bottom part - wed - Rest thurs - Upper body - basically do every on top part Abs fri - Leg - everything bottom part sat - Rest sun - Upper body - basically do every on top part Please give me some suggestion
[video=youtube;7nn44nxSG40]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nn44nxSG40[/video] just tore my shoulder muscle yesterday doing these at end of my workout fuk. [video=youtube;P9XH-k3ONGs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9XH-k3ONGs[/video] but did some of those of course my back lever dont even look that good unless i do it on trx probably.
10 straight mins of kettle bells will make you a better person all around. Swings, to lifts and squats.
man i havn't worked out in 2 weeks and went from a 4 pack towards a 6 to a 1 pack beer belly... lmao my body sucks and it does so really fast
/\/\/\ I know, it's all about consistency. The worst is when you're getting there, and you have a cheat day to only feel the repercussions of it for the next 4 days.