Is it just me or is this show not funnie anymore? The guests are pretty weak And games are weak tooo Like Freeze in the last last episode? C'mon!
YEa.I didnt like EPisode 3 as well.Cant they just get TVB artistes?Or some big Leo,Joey,or guests like episode 1?sigh....
Haha, they are still funny but you need to have humour. But when it comes to guests attending the show, they have to have time to be able to join the show.
I agree that this season is not as funny anymore. Personally I find the games are weak. But probably it will get better who knows?
lol, i actually enjoyed when they when to Japan and stuff to test out the games, silent libraryXD
The last episode (4) was quite funny, Yeah, I skipped to the guess the word part. It made me laugh, seeing all those HK celebs trying to speak english :jump: They should let out that dancing part + that walking over a log part......That isn't funny....-noclue
It's not as good as it used to be but I'm such a fan, I'll still watch it. Have to agree about the guests, they need to get more decent stars on the show.
ye episode 7 was rather gd. i like how they altered the mini games and how they have it in a different setting to keep it interesting.
maybe its just me, hopefully they'll come up with something totally different from all other similar game shows
its alright.. some games are pretty boring, not funny at all... like the walking massage (rock paper scissor -.-) and the no. of loops u can go around someones body? i dunno, but i dont find it that funny... the rest are alright...