how's the situation now?.. or was it just a hypothetical question?? i think if i were in that situation, i'd be pretty pissed off.. unless he's the really really lazy type haha then i might offer to take it out for him *grabs and chucks in bin* =D
the situation is... i dunno hahaha... i haven't looked at his wallet for a while... i can't b bothered getting pissed abt it... *sigh*
well... as long as u think u'll be happier without knowing, then i guess tahts fine. but i'd be so tempted to chuck the photo out, esp if she was a bitch haha .. then again, im just being evil =D
trust me i'm tempted to do that too... but if i do i'm "small air"... if i don't i'll just get pissed off... so the best thing to do is forget it... -_- besides... he makes her sound like an angel... so i guess it's understandable... i mean i have someone that i'll always care abt in my heart
as long as he puts u first.. i dont think it should be THAT much of a problem.. but it gets hard when u feel like u have to fight for his attention, if u know what i mean.. =\
well if one day i can't put up with it anymore i'll go n find another guy i hope i won't b too old by then >.<
hahah dont think about another guy so soon =P a pictures a picture.. dont let it get in the way of a perfectly good relationship =) this is a positive way to view things.. ur bf has a good heart, cares about those around him.. and doesnt let the past get to him. hence the photo in his wallet is just a reminder of the past.. nothing more, nothing less.. my minds all over the place haha at one point, im evil.. at another.. im trying to be nice .. u can completely ignore me haha
i dun have Ecko's pic... n he likes Andy Lau too so i don't think that'd help much would u like to post ur pic n help me out instead?? anyway i don't think a lousy pic is enough to break up a couple... there's got to b more to it *sigh*
go listen to some emo or something overly melodramatic, write about it on myspace, AA, friendster, etc, and then jump off a building to kill yourself