Wot's wrong with having real big ones or real small ones? which is better?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by aishiteru4, Apr 20, 2007.


Your choice

  1. Really big

  2. Really small

  1. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    What happens when a girl is only 16 with big boobs? -rolleyes
  2. Kher89

    Kher89 Well-Known Member

    there's one in my secondary school.no big deal.born to be liddat.
  3. Yeh...I mean if u small and u got big 'ones'
    Then the properly have lyk serious backaches or something coz they heavy -lol

    [Offtopic ish] Erm...Yeah someone else said guys look at girls front and behind...
    Today I saw some black lady...
    Jesus christ her backside was HUGE!! -lol
    Fukiiin hell....>.<
  4. gotta have the big ones where you can rub your face in 'em...
  5. ^ What so they can suffacate u -noclue
  6. lol whats with the hitting?? you mad or somethin?? -noclue

    big ones so you can rest your head on 'em... -sleep
  7. -lol
    Cheap jing! Aint u got no money to buy some pillows or something -noclue

    I like to hit u aR!
    What u gonna do :p
  8. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ Oh I am sure human fat tissue is more comfortable than pillows :p Plus they won't cause wrinkles unlike pillows ^+++^

    But guys are guys are guys, bigger is always better than smaller (to them)
  9. hit you back lor... -whistle..... -devil.... -noclue

    not cheap... it's convenient!! you still need some time to grow yours... -whistle...

    well straight guys would naturally look for females with a figure that make a woman.. a woman...

    unless she's super hot... it's kinda hard to pass up on some titties...
  10. So what a fat a$$ too??
    Lyk that women I saw today -sick2

    Lyk u would kno -noclue

    U cheap jingggggggggggggggggggggggggggg-noclue

    U sucha bully!!!
    Har ngor -cry2

    Hit ngor ah la -noclue -noclue -noclue -noclue -noclue -noclue
    Dieeeeeeeeeee -dead
  11. AHH!!! hit you back -noclue X10!!! -dead -dead stab stab... -lol

    hey I dont har u.... you har me first... -doh
  12. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^This has just gone down hill... into a blood shred between mui and ecko.
  13. U!!! £"$%£$&^$&£%!!! -censored


    Hateeeeeee u!! -noclue
  14. aww... have a -flow *siew fan la*... -bigsmile
  15. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    Eyes and face shape is the first think I notice. Boobies size don;t matter much as long as there is some :)

    girls for sure don;t wanna have there boobs described as 2 nails on a board.
  16. Vinnie_boy

    Vinnie_boy Well-Known Member

    I dont really mind about a girls breast size lol
  17. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    back to the topic, aside from the "blood shred" ... i like something to play with when i'm with a girl. well, no one mention cup size ... but i prefer something in the range of D cup>Boobs>B cup.

    On the other hand, does it matter to women if a guy is big or small? hehe ...
  18. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    @ab289: Whatever fits I guess, wouldn't it be too painful if it's oversized?
  19. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i like boobies...do u? lol
  20. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    hiake: lol.. oversized? most can fit a babies head... and I doubt you will ever get a man with that size :)