well, i dont thing he done the wrong thing, whats the point making a living if your not enjoying it? if i was in his situation, i would work for about 5 years because of the loan and familly problem. and then do what i like doing. he has his own way of thinking and you should have respect for that because many people just look at the salary to determine whether they work there or not
well...it all depends if hes happy i guess...but personally, if i get offered a 6 figure annual salary, it would take it at least for experience and to save up some money just in case...like what if my desire for cooking fails, then what am i gona do right??
^ yeah why didn't you? Anyway, I think your friend chose the right path. Alot of ppl said this already but I think it's more important to take a job that you like rather than just taking it for the money. You'll be happier in the long run!
lol anything comes with stress.. what you think you'll jus be kicking it and expect to get paid six figures.. depending on what kinda chef you end up.. you can easily make 6 figures.. hey how is your friend doing now??
Update on my friend: Working in some restaurant as Head Chef. Plans to move back in 5 months to pursue his EE career (His field of study).
well if you love what u do and u dont really need money hella bad, tehn do what u want, but otherwise money can help lots of ppl, its not greed when u can help those that have helped you
lol, i like to cook, but i can do that on my own time, like when i need to eat? no way i would not continue with a job in my field if i choose to get the phd, cuz there's no way i'll last that long in the courses otherwise
If possible, I think we would all chose to do what we love.... but what happens when that means we have to give up things outside of work. Giving up good money for work you love will affect the things you have/do outside of work (travel, car, house, etc...), so the question will also be about giving up things that require a higher income! I've hit the six digits, and I'm lucky that its doing something I love, but if I was told I had to start sweeping floors for the same pay tomorrow... I'd probably do it to support the life style I've grown acustom to! Yes, it's really all about the money!
i wouldnt give up a 6-figure job for cooking, but it's a personal thing.... if it were me, i dun like cooking that much. i'd much rather use the money i earn from my 6-figure job to go eat sumwhere nice
why dont u tell us what he got a phD in? and 6 digit job for a phD is not that much at all either. maybe from his perspective, becoz hes so accompanished in his own field, he wants to try something else. Obviously his passion is cooking, and if that doesnt work out, he will always have the 6 digit jobs waiting for him to fall back on. jobs are everywhere, as long as you are suitably qualitified. theres no need to feel a sense of loss. Since he has spent soo many years doing that same ol' thing, i think he has made a good choice in starting something fresh, could get back his perspective in life too. you dont pick a career, you pick a lifestyle. and to those who thinks he has wasted 6 years of his life, lol no! IF he gave up half way, then yes he has wasted 3 years of his life (coz he has no certificate to prove he has done something.) but he has already recieved his phD! he will forever be a phD. just coz hes not using it now, doesnt mean he will NEVER use it!
it's possible to make 6 digits cooking if he's good enough, or he could open his own restaurant some day. that can easily be 6 digits, even 7.