breakersrevenge's son can fight the girl. using his wooden stick from those first movies. would be very intresting fight.
breakersrevenge's son can fight the girl. using his wooden stick from those first movies. would be very intresting fight. nvm i just watched the movie... if breaker's son used the stick he would win.
I'm sure my son would not want to hit a girl!!! A little update on what my son is doing. . . He is learning WuShu, Wing Chun and lion dance, also has the odd lesson of Jujutsu!! He is training every other day for 1 hour and is loving it!! Not done any vids lately but will do soon and post up to show how much he's improved!!
lol holy crap.. I've completely forgot Breakers the one with the Kung Fu son.. -lol Yo thas tight.. you gonna end up being a very rich father some day.. or if you're rich already.. filthy rich... xD
haha. . . awww she's sooo cute! I have a lil cuzzin who's taking Tae Kwon Do and she's only 3 years old I get to go see her perform next week.
HEEEYYYYY THAT WAS AT MARKET VILLAGE I RECOGNIZE THE EASY KIDS STORE LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL anyways, some of her moves during the pattern was pretty crisp. good stuff good stuff.
actually extremely good.. most little kids are really sloppy when performing patterns, but she made every move distinct, she could probably school alot of older students at wushu