You know, the real thing about life is, that people get married under just those circumstances, and do well together. I happen to know of a couple just like that (parents of my daughter's classmate) he's a anglo lawyer and she's was living in Shenzhen, looking for a husband who would give her security. So in essence, she knew that she wasn't marrying for love, and he knew that she didn't love him. So how long do we keep calling her a prostitute and him a pervert? He treats her well, and she lives comparatively in the lap of luxury with two beautiful kids, and she'll never have to work another day in her life. What do we say about TVB stars who do the same, that is, marry for money? Why, we call them smart, don't we? And we don't dare call their husbands creeps, right? So while the poster may not be ultra-rich or whatever, but just the green card offer to go to the US and live out one's life there with American opportunity for his bride and their future children is something that others in the world would literally give their lives for. I remember going to China about 20 years ago, and the first thing that young women asked me was "...are you married?" which translated, meant "Please take me away from all this and I'll do anything you ask." Kinda puts our jaded view of life into perspective, doesn't it?
^ ralph... u will never ever hear me say someone is SMART for marrying someone for $$$ i just dont believe in that shit of course money can give u what u want to a certain extend...but im convinced that that alone doesnt give u happiness i know chinese couples who are married under these circumstances too but honestly i dont think i know any couple who really love eachother i mean yea, the guy probably love the wife a lot but i think for the girl hes just a long life mealticket im sorry but i dont believe that that can give u real happiness love cant give u material things but if i get to choose between havin to live life in china (cuz lots of times those women arent even super poor/living in poverty) but being with the person that i love n going to a western country just to get a green card then im 100% sure id choose for a life where i can truly love but oh well.. i guess everyone has another goal in life
^ i agreeee~~~~~ and i my rents know so many people who have come from china and married people in uk...for a passport and once they got their passport a few months later they ditch the married guy for a china guy...we knew this couple who were ubbber happily married...had 2 kids and in the end she left him and the kids with someone not generalising...but cases like these do happen...its reality....:/
uhuh....ive heard those stories too... n perhaps the woman wont leave the guy she might choose to stay for the sake of her children actually someone who is really close to me decided to move to a western country a long time ago the husband is nice to her, they have a few kids and are living an okay life but she has told me that she doesnt love him. She cares for him because hes a hardworker and a man who takes care of her and the kids... but she has never felt love for him n nor will she ever experience what real love is like because she made the wrong decision at that time to choose for "a better life" i guess if u want one thing u always gotta sacrifice something else to get it. its so sad... when she told me that i could feel the tears burning in my eyes basically she has just chosen to devote her whole life to her children sometimes when ppl are young they make the wrong decision they think (financial) security will make them happy for the rest of their life but later they might found out that thats not the case.... n then... what do u do... be "selfish" leave him for another guy like bb's example? or u stay? tough decision
LOL... I'm not trying to pick a fight, but realize that you probably don't believe in that shit only because you don't need to. Others may not afford that luxury, and may be willing to do anything. -ohmy as in: I didn't know it would be like this... <sob> Get on the bed, bitch... (heh-heh)
hahaha ralph, i know ur not trying to pick a fight lol if i were a prostitute in thailand n have to have sex with 20 of those 50 year old dirty westerners each day n someone offers me a green card YES i shall do it... n i shall grab the opportunity with both hands because thats not a life!!!!!! Those women are merely sex objects to those disgusting pigs so id say if u get a chance to leave that situation by all means GO FOR IT its a total different situation IMO thats why ive stated, LOTS of women in "poor" countries dont even have it THAT bad... its just that they think they can get an easy life as a "fu gwai por" because westerners are RICH because they have foreign currency = higher exchange rate u know even one of my far cousins, she was a manager in phone store she chose to go to go to NL to find herself a hubby there because NL is so much more wealthy n u make EUROS there!! So she flew over, where did she end up? working at a restaurant (illegally) doing 6 days a week n 10 hours a day.... hubby, nowhere to be found for the first 3 years... no doubt those were hard times for her but hey anything for a dutch passport oh n of course once uve left china how can u go back " gum mo meen" we dont wanna lose face now do we? all for those finally she found herself a hubby... all the shit she went through just to stay in a wealthy country lets hope she will be happy now
Frankly, even if the girl wasn't a prostitute in Thailand, but with limited opportunities there, would wind up being one eventually. One may choose the lesser evil preemptively. And yes, it's sometimes a sad realization once they get overseas, that life there is not as easy as they originally thought; in some case disastrously so. If you ever saw this movie you'll know what I mean: For those that might be interested in donating to the families of the victims, go to this link: The Morecambe Victim Fund
first of all u must be the first white guy i hear that is tripping in getting asian girls.... anyways perhaps instead of having yellow fever u should choose to like ONE asian girl? n then just do ur thing man, its mostly confidence and personality. know when to joke and when to be a dick and if u play those cards right u golden
You're right, I have no self confidence. I need to believe in myself, but this is difficult because I'm in high school. I shouldn't try to look desperate, I have to realize that I'm not as pathetic as I think.
^ first u gotta have faith in urself, have some confidence n after that chase after girls la trust me... u wanna learn how to be happy with urself before u try loving someone else high school can be tough but jus try n find out what ur good at... do more of that stuff n maybe it will help u feel better abt urself
Thanks for the advice. I'll keep looking for what makes me happy, and things will be better. Also, it's not that getting girls is much of an issue for me. There are White girls who flirt with me in Newspaper class like everyday. I have a date for the next dance, and I would ask her out on a date sometime, but neither of us have a car and we live over 10 miles apart from each other. I feel uncomfortable going to the dance with her in a couple months, and the only reason I feel like this is because she's White. I know that it's not right for me to think like this, and rejecting her because of her race would be morbid. I wish I could look past this and think normally.
oh well...i am a bit freaked out about guys with yellowfever (the ones that just take whatever as long as its asian) but at the end of the day its all about personal preference... i dont think ur weird cuz ur not attracted to her or anything but if u really feel awkward going with her then simply dont go with her... n if u do go with her just dont give her the wrong idea n be clear that ur not attracted to her
If you have doubts with the relation, it is better not to start it or end it early and prevent any further damages...
I'm pretty sure that she's aware that I'm not attracted to her. She told me that she's had a crush on me for awhile, but she's also aware that I prefer Asian girls. If we're both aware that neither one of us want a serious relationship, then things should be fine. A friend on another forum told me that I'll end up dancing with other people that night anyways. Flaming, if she does want to start a relationship, I'll be sure to end it early, because I doubt I would feel comfortable.
im a asian guy that gets asian girls but want to try white chicks. how about we swap? -cool umm.. the asian girls i know are mosty quite shy, so u have to take the lead. be bossy and assertive (which shows confidence) but dont over do it or u'll seem arrogant/cocky. say if u wana ask her to a movie. dont say "wanna go to a movie with me?" instead say "come with me to a movie tonight" .. i find they are less likey to say no if you use a statement instead of a question.. my 2 cents
i think by wat u say.. u are only attracted to asian girls because they're asian.. but what about on the inside? do u only want them cuz they r exotic looking? try asking yourself what u like about them
i like u man. if i knew wat u looked liked and saw u with a hot azn girl ill cheer u on. defintely get an azn girl man i like u.*im straight btw. i think u have a better chance than me. im 19 and 5'5" F U C K. i hate being short. my parents force me to have short azz hair. i also have dry skin and a skin disease. my chances with azn girl=40%(im azn btw) ur chances with azn girl=55% see u win >.<>.<>.<>.<-ann-ann