just trying to find a better topic in light of all the other 'crap' discussions and i mean that literally -lol.
hahaha i start sumthing else do u think ppl with a rly hairy ass by hairy i mean like the amazon rainforest .... they must have extra cleaning to do
hahhah I feel you, like them tarzan amazon jungle ass.. they probably have to pick it like a burger. you ever like sometimes be tryin to shit right... and when you shit the shit just sticks to your ass cuz all the hair be holdin it in like a fishnet... doesn't that make you mad right? -lol ROFLOLMAO
hey someone in hk invented a ball that you put in your toilet so this problem doesnt occur!!i recon thats so smart!
ahahha I'm surprised theres still some1 readin this post. Might you know what that product is called? thats pretty funny. It probably makes the water less denser so it would be less buoyant -lol.