^ depends wat university u're at......i know some ppl who got 2 exams left at utsj...and ryerson started summer course already and york startin this week
ha.... pretty cool list, the beginning few apply to me haha >.< still 2 mid terms left... ha... i should be studying
Ah, I finished my exams, but my assignments just keep pilling up. @_@ Why can't I get stuff less than 1000 words? *Sigh*
@Ecko: Yeah, that x2 is there because... hmmm I don't know, I need to have that two parts separated? Wouldn't it be more odd if I used "@Ecko" and "@Ecko"... I considered using "@Ecko^2" Which is WAY weirder. I guess I am odd, is all And yeah, Super Paper Mario is really cool. It even has a semi-complicated story line!