your friend is so annoying. i won't get jealous if my friend is smarter than me. hey all my friends are smarter than me anyway haha.
mutilate him and explain how that didn't have to do with being smarter in any way ! Just ignore people like him, you're wasting your precious time.
grrr, i hate people who act all cocky and pretentious all the time just cos they are smart. need a slap big time!!! i do sometimes get jealous when I know people are smarter than me, but im sure there are things that I am better than them, so its all good so its not a big deal as long as they dont be all big about it.
meh, i dnt get jealous, in my case, im in the smart class....and well, like everyone says no matter how smart you are there are always people smarter than you, but for us, if someone gets the answer right its like "god damnnn! Your too smart mannn! Chillll!!!" lol, we all have a laugh about it, can't put people down for their intelligence, after all, some aren't as fortunate as others or some just not as bright, but everyone has their own special quality. your friend, hmm.....guess he just used to being number one, and if he says that again, jus say to him, "ahh, there isn't any need to show off, it just shines through naturally" with a big cheesy grin on your face so you dont seem arrogant, or something like "what can i say?" in a jokey way, after all, the other people around you knows your not a show off, so having a laugh about being one makes that guy seem like a downright arrogant fool ^^ honestly, jealousy is ugly, if you have so much time to be jealous and complain, then work harder to surpass them. x
I think i will get a little jealous if my friend is smarter than me... especially if im the competitive type
depends how it is i guess if friends are nice they'll encourage u to work harder... if its bragging friends then hell to them! plus, seriously tho.. if u try hard enuff, i don't see y u can't get better results than them =)
Easier said than done lol. My friend puts 80% less effort into school and he still pwns me and everyone else.
ha ha ha I would either: A. Flip them off B. Tell them to SHUT UP and STOP bragging C. Slap them D. ALL OF THE ABOVE
your friend is a moron so just tell him what you think and maybe he'll realise something. -bowroflarms