I SO agree with the drowning!!! I HATE deep waters.... I had a bad experience with almost drowning... I don't need that anymore in my life. So I stay away from the waters... I also have a fear, a BIG fear of heights!!! I hate roller coaster rides!!! Anything that requires 10 feet or more... I quit. Ew... gives me chills.
i would have to say that my biggest fear is catepillars. they're the most disgusting creatures on earth. little furry things. UGH! =S. and my friends actually find them to be "cute". bleh!
ya but snails, slugs aren't hairy...just look at the different catepillars there are....the colours and the shape and everything's disgusting! spiders, rats are just black and dark..there's pattern and lines and stuff in catepillars....they just disgust me.! i rather touch a snake
but slimy slugs and snails yuck!!!! oh here's some random pt...... wanna kill a slug quickly put salt over it -devil my dad chucks salt over them in his garden, man they are pests
The only thing that I'm scared of is heights and thats about it spider's and snakes are nothing to me my friends used to have them as pets so used to handling them. There are some fears that I just don't understand how it's possible that people are scared of such things
hahahaha thats a gd 1, thinking about it i nvr went 4 a crap in school or in public toilets, nvr did, nvr will..... -lol
-the dark -heights -failing an exam (namely mid terms and finals -_-2) -choking on hard candy (that`s why I always crunch on them right away) -giving off the impression of being a 'salty sailor' -losing my personal belongings -things that lurk underwater -bathrooms with no locks -ants (yes, ants *laff* especially when there are lots of 'em)