my school's is the Viking. it's weird, but we have the cutest costume. our rival school is the Aztech.
i went to 2 high schools (moved during my junior year). my first school's mascot was a bullpup. the second school was an eagle.... excuse me, golden eagle.... some teachers get really iffy if we didn't say it right.
my school's mascot is a....magician-sweat kinda reminds me of dumbledore from HP with the white beard
lol i dont remember my highschool mascot... actually i dont even remember if my highschool has a mascot ... LOL
mine is a puma, how weak, when i started i was like a shoe is my mascot tehn it turned out to be a weak cat animal
I think mine was a peg leg or something, which is weird now that I think about it. I think my college mascot was a bobcat.