LOL no it's not... but I'm trying to elevate it to another level. Ok so the sauce thing can't compare -lol. But I'm workin on whippin' up some crazy ass concoction...
White Sauce... Red Sauce... Soy Sauce... I use all Sauce.. either way my art cost... All these haters can get lost... When I sell them plates Imma be the Boss.. Maybe I'm in over my head with this food art... But I'm still stackin' plates from that Dim Sum cart... I get that Siu Mai... Ha Gow... Lotta sauce drippin' from my Fong Jow...
and there i was considering u for membership in soup for you! ps..i do count...count 3825 times!...ha!
: ( .. I like soup. And.. well I guess I can reconsider.. but your post count does not make you superior.. >< So we're tied.. 2-2 Dawn and I think sauce is food.. and Ecko and you do not.
Actually, sauce is not a type of "food". (SORRY, AIRREE!) According to, food = nutriment in SOLID form. Sauce is not a solid, and therefore, is not considered food. But, in my eyes, you are still more superior than knoc and ecko!
oooo.. That's evil : ) meh.. Even if I'm wrong you don't let them know it.. >< BUt.. sauce is not a total liquid.
and a new member is considered to replace airree...well..was considered until i read that last soup for u!...damn girls sticking together n what not..
Aiya... I should have known better. Sorry, Airree! Won't happen again, promise! And don't worry, unlike some people *cough*ecko*cough* I actually keep my promises! And knoc, of course we girls stick together! "down to the ride to the very end... it's me and my girlfriends!" -whistle