he certainly deserves the award and the butt wasnt his fault so culdnt rly blame him for that i wuld hve probably done the same if sum1 insulted a member of my family -devil
Yea...sure agree wit most of u guys... he definately deserve the g-ball regardless of the headbutt... it definately not his fault... heared its the italian player Materazzi started it... he did it before in one of the previous game (worldcup) to try to get a gud player off.... Isnt that a way of cheating? truely think france should get the cup not italy... if zidane stayed on he def will change the outcome in the penalty shoot out... he a star in penalties........ alway support France, Japan N Korea........^^
Ya, he was the best player of the tourney. and i just feel bad for the guy cause he deserved the world cup along with his g-ball. but oh well thats life what can you do!
Who else did they want to win it then?... Italy were lucky in thier games, like when they vsed Austrlia they scored a penalty in the last minute and they scored against germany in the last two mintues too... Yeah i don't think Ronaldo(brazilian) will play in the next world cup...I will be laughing if cafu still played the next world cup
Zidane rocks;] Yeah, people may say the head butting incident was immature and all taht crap, but all I can say is--ZIDANE ALL THE WAY!
I don't know...for me I really viewed him as and idol of soccer...but after what happened I am not too sure anymore..